Let it snow...

Holy Jack Johnson! They said it was going to snow and damnit if they weren't right. It is a virtual winter wonderland here on Charles Ave. I spent a good bit of the evening outside with Ella, as she loves the snow cause she can just pee anywhere she wants. Tonight she dropped some whiz right in the middle of my driveway...Lucky! For some reason, I always like the first real snowfall of the year.
Also, I am wrapping my gift for Friday's White Elephant party and it's a doozy. I hope Gef brings another piece of taxidermy, cause I gave my Grandma the squirrel I got last year. For all of you coming tonight...I will see you there, and please bring me something to eat. Thanks!
And the latest Tuesday Game winner is Toul with his fitting caption of "Bush. We got Bush.". That made me laugh almost as hard as the picture I took of him last year at the Pittsburgh Bullshooter. Maybe he will be willing to let me post it someday. Cause it might prove Kelly's theory wrong, that Giulio is "The hottest guy in the world". But anyways, thanks to everyone that played, and for having such a long time between beat my caption games, not one of you has lost your touch! Thanks again for playing!
See most of you this weekend-
Please!!! I want some comments from people that come to my site and never say anything on here. I know there are a bunch of you, cause you all tell me you check in on doubleout.com, but you never tell me on here about it. Just click on the comments, and write something, and put your name in (you don't have to be a member or have an account), then copy the security code thingy and click post comment. Easy like easy cheese! Please, let me see your name in lights!
I like you...in fact, I may love you, little brother.
Anonymous, at 12/12/05 9:46 AM
Well I like you Patrick with the exceptions of you thinking Giulio is funny.
-I guess he is funny most of the time.
I just hope our child gets his great sense of humor and those "you are the hottest man I know" genes.
Love ya Giulio.
Anonymous, at 12/12/05 12:15 PM
Oh hell no...do not let my niece or nephew get that sense of humor...if you can call it that.
Unfortunately, the baby is not blood related to Pat or I so it can't get our sense of humor.
Anonymous, at 12/12/05 12:33 PM
Hello, I gotta know, whats a White Elephant? Is that slang for grab bag? or is there a twist?
Anonymous, at 13/12/05 11:57 AM
You bring crap from your house that you don't like and pull names to trade, then there's stealing involved too...some people call it Yankee Swap (seen on "the Office" last week.)
Anonymous, at 13/12/05 12:34 PM
Yaaannnnkeeeeeeee Swappp!
Patrick, at 13/12/05 2:05 PM
Some call that a Chinese grab bag as well. We are doing that here in the office but with Christmas ornaments.
The white elephant thing sounds good though, I just threw out an old chair I could have brought.
Michelle, at 13/12/05 2:44 PM
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