Thanks Pilgrim!

Well my favorite time of year is here. Turkey season! I am proud to say that I shot my own turkey this year. And you should have seen the faces the people at the grocery store! Hahahaha! But seriously...I love Thanksgiving! What's better than eating till your pants are ready to blow a button, then you get to sit back and watch football? And on top of that, it starts the Christmas season. In my best Joey from "Blossom" voice...Whoaaa! So my plans for this Thursday go a little like this. Awake semi early and fix myself a huge slice of pumpkin pie with a mound of Redi-Whip (smell it and weep!). Plop my ready for turkey ass on the couch and watch the Macy's Parade (the rockettes always get me ready to eat). Then I will take a shower and get ready for my first meal. After that it will be a blur of food, drinks, and football. Nice huh?
So here is how we will play this week's game. Name a holiday movie (Thanksgiving or Christmas). Now you can't post 2 movies in a row, as usual, but we want you to try and name your favorite holiday movies first (maybe even add your favorite quote if you feel like it). That way, everyone gets to know a little something about the others that come here. It might not be a lot to know what movies someone likes, but it's a start right?
So this year, I am gonna give thanks to all my friends that come to my little slice of So thanks, and if you have something you are thankful for, just leave it in a comment (either after the movie, or just by itself).
Thanks for liking me-
"Christmas Vacation"
quote: Clark to Eddie
"Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?"
Patrick, at 22/11/05 3:51 AM
Love Actually
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving...cheers!!
Michelle, at 22/11/05 7:30 AM
Home for the Holidays
"No, I'm saying you're a product of baboon lovin'"
I am thankful for my family and friends and that they are healthy. I am thankful that I have made some great friendships this year, and strengthened others. I am also thankful everytime I get a babysitter, hint hint.
Anonymous, at 22/11/05 9:51 AM
A Christmas Story
"You used up all the glue on purpose!"
Patrick, at 22/11/05 1:23 PM
"You don't smell like Santa. You smell like beef and cheese."
Anonymous, at 22/11/05 1:28 PM
The Grinch that stole Christmas
Anonymous, at 22/11/05 8:08 PM
Mickey's Christmas Carol...Scrooge McDuck is the man.
Anonymous, at 23/11/05 9:39 AM
Patrick... I responded to your post just now but it occurs to me you may never see it since it was on my blog, but... here it is: not much of a soft-tipper these days. Infact all my soft tip darts are now steel tip darts, wearing either HH points or conversions. However, now that league is over I am welcoming a respite from the sport. I will likely take down the board and just not throw for a few months while I burn off the burn-out. Lets figure on next year!
I have another matter I'd like to discuss and that is the bar hosting our team. We are currently hosted by the Chatterbox but many of my team do not like it. We are looking for a nicer bar with nicer boards, etc. What does PLMS do for you folks? Do they provide a free drink for the opposing team? Do they pay some portion of the league fees? Just curious. Please let me know what you think about PLMS possibly hosting an additional Tue B team next season...
Zeeple, at 23/11/05 1:43 PM
Frosty the snowman.
Pat it was fun throwing darts with you tonight.
Anonymous, at 24/11/05 1:02 AM
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