Cram it up your Cramhole, La Fleur!

First off, as most of you know, my sister got married last weekend. There was alot of planning and helping (although I didn't do as much as a few other people), but I was pretty involved in that. And I am so happy I was, cause that shit was bonkers! I had so much damn fun at that wedding, I might use all the donation money I have received for doubleout ($5.35, thanks Pick!) and throw them another wedding so I can live it all over again. Most of our friends and family played such a huge part, that I don't have time to name them all (Actually I do have that kind of time, cause as I mentioned on here not that long ago that I have been laid off. But I am just not in the mood to do it, and I would probably forget someone very important, then they would get mad at me, and tell their friends I suck, and pretty soon I would be all by myself, with nobody reading my silly site. Then what? I would be left alone day and night, with nothing better to do than masturbate to late night cinemax that I don't even subscribe to. Well that doesn't sound all that bad, so maybe I will name them.). But anyways...It was a blast, and I danced till I made a total fool of myself.
Then I found out that I was laid off. So I stopped by work the Monday after the wedding and cleaned out my office. And my suspicion that I am a bit of a pack-rat was confirmed. I have only worked there about 2 years, and I had enough stuff in my 8x8 office that I could have lived there for a month. Boots, jackets, hats, snacks, water. The only thing missing was a friggin' tent and a half a cord of firewood. So I grabbed my last check and raced home to file for unemployment. And after a week, I could get used to this. Other than the fact that Maria acquired a bronchial infection, and I came down with a severe cold, my first week off couldn't have been lazier. I caught up on about 14 months worth of missed sleep, and actually lost a few pounds. No time to eat when you are sleeping (although I am working on a way it can be done).
Went out Saturday night and shot pretty well. Then had to wake up fairly early on Sunday to go and meet Sarah and Dog in Clearfield Pa. (cue the banjo music from Deliverance). Seems they had some trouble with Dog's Taurus on the way to their honeymoon, and they had to rent a car in Clearfield to make it the rest of the way. So me and Mia met them at the Burger King (chicken sandwich was good, and has anyone else noticed all the Burger Kings around hear are closed?). So we make the rental drop, after a few wrong turns, then start on our way back to city livin'. Half way home the sky turns pitch black and I start looking for my favorite hiding spot...a car wash. Well once the wind and rain and leaves started flying, I couldn't see the car wash I just passed and was told by Maria in the back to "Turn here!". I hung a quick left across traffic I couldn't see coming, and into a small lot in front of a building. And just as I put it in park, hail the size of chipmunk testicles started falling hard onto Mia's Subaru. I then sprung into action (with a little urging from my passengers). I parallel parked on the sidewalk under the entrance to what we would soon find out was an Elementary School. I swear we were on the outskirts of a tornado! We took some pictures of the aftermath and made a safe journey the rest of the way. Wow, that was hella-fun!
So now I sit here at 1 something a.m., and just watched Dodgeball for the 30th time. That movie is funny stuff. And I just stumbled on one of my favorite obscure movies from 1987..."White Water Summer" featuring Kevin Bacon and Sean Astin. Kevin Bacon is a god damn lunatic in this movie! And when they jam Danzig on the way to "Devil's Toothpick", just after the fairly gay "See how far we can Pee" scene, I am in movie heaven! Damn, I haven't seen this in years so I am gonna wrap this up, set the tivo, and grab a snack.
Leave a comment or something to let me know you are alive. All of you! Not just some of you. I don't even care if it just has your name and nothing else. Leave a comment for the love of all thats sacred! Thanks.
I want to hear from you! Right now...cause I know you have 5 seconds for me...right?
Patrick, at 7/11/05 1:33 AM
It was nice to see you guys Saturday even if Al and I did not join in on the dart tourney.
Glad you are feeling show me the Turesday game!! :)
Michelle, at 7/11/05 9:10 AM's the newlyweds, reporting that we survived the honeymoon, and the bizarre car rides to and fro.
Thanks for the pictures, they are the first I've sen so far.
Thanks to everyone that attended and much love to the bridal party and our families for all their work and help.
Anonymous, at 7/11/05 2:06 PM
Saying Hi..
Anonymous, at 10/11/05 12:15 PM
Hey Bob...don't think we all didn't see you hide in the Men's room for the garter toss.
Anonymous, at 10/11/05 2:43 PM
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