So much to say.

Well first of all, I want to wish all of you a Happy Halloween! Make sure to check you mini boxes of "Nerds" for crushed glass, and check your candy bars for razor blades. Cause I want all of you to have a safe holiday.
Also, my sister Sarah married Rob this past Saturday. It had to be one of the best weddings of all time. Everyone I talked to gushed about how much fun they had, and how wonderful the day was. If you were there and had a good time (or just wanted to wish them some wedding bliss) leave a comment. Let us know what you liked about it, and how much fun you had. There will be a bigger write up on this soon, cause it seems as though I will have alot more time on my hands because I found out Sunday that the car dealership I work at will be closing/selling, and I am laid off as of today. So if any of you need some handy-man work done, I got a whole bunch of tools I don't know how to use! I am also for hire as a wedding date, as I promise to rock the dance floor with you.
Well, my body still hurts and I feel like taking a hot shower. So I am gonna say goodbye for now, but please let me know what you thought of this weekend. Thanks to everyone that helped out this know who you are!
Patrick Elston (aka- Cheetah)
Sorry to hear about your job Pat, try the Ford dealership on RT 22, I know a salesman there that should be replaced. hee hee
Al and I wish Sarah and Rob all the best.
Michelle, at 31/10/05 11:27 AM
I had a wonderful time at the wedding. It was one of the best weddings I've been to in a long time. Everyone looked so nice in their tuxs and beautiful dresses. I can't wait to see the pictures. Have a good time on your honeymoon Sarah and Dog.
Anonymous, at 1/11/05 9:05 PM
What, no Tuesday game..oh the inhumanity of it all. Now I know what it feels like to go through withdraws. Come back Pat...we need you. :)
Hope all is well.
Michelle, at 3/11/05 1:29 PM
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