Things I like.

Well I missed you all this week and I missed Tuesday's game again...sorry for that. But I feel inspired to let every one of you know about some of the things I like in life. Heck, we may share some of the same likes. Who would have guessed?
1. I like chicken (as you can see by the picture) BBQ, Fried, Baked, Grilled, Broiled, any way you make it really.
2. I like the way my head feels right after I shave it.
3. I like on a cold night when I go to bed and my dog Ella was laying on my side, getting it nice and toasty for me.
4. I like being laid off.
5. I like waking up in the morning and finding something in the kitchen I actually want to eat.
6. I like getting a kiss goodnight.
7. I like movies that make me think, and laugh.
8. I like the way my girl smells when she gets out of the shower.
9. I like being told I did a good job.
10. I like when people smile when I say hi to them.
11. I like being the most handsome guy in the room (usually only happens when I am with a bunch of women).
12. I like when somebody else changes the toilet paper roll.
13. I like the number 13.
14. I like getting an email that isn't offering me "add 4 inches to your penis".
15. I like Christmas Eve at our house.
16. I like cookies right out of the oven.
17. I like cuddling under a blanket on the couch in the winter time.
18. I like being around my friends and family (most of my family at least).
19. I like pornography, but who doesn't really?
20. I like the free chinese food samples on a toothpick that you get at the mall.
Well there are some things that I like, although there are many many more. But 20 right now is all I think is needed. And one thing I don't like are really skinny feels like you are hugging a pile of sticks. So tell me what you think. Are my likes that far out there? I don't think so.
I like you-
Hey...sorry about that Az. It looks like the "o" is sticking on your bad!
Patrick, at 11/11/05 1:07 PM
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