It's 2006 Beatch!

Now I know what you are thinking...why is there a nipple game to start the year out? Well, this past New Years Eve party was kinda like Mardi Gras, right here in New Kensington. There were people flashing my camera left and right! So I though I would take one picture and see if you could figure out who's nipple it really is. So click on the picture (that makes it bigger) and leave a comment as to who's nipple you think it is. Nice! It could be any of the people pictured, so take your time and really stare at that nipple for a long long time, and when you think you figured it out, go back and look at it for a few more minutes.
After you have made your guess, you can check out some other photos Here. These pics are not intended for viewers under the age of 18 (so that means Gina the Super Intern's boyfriend cannot look unless supervised by an adult). You can also use the comment section to tell us about your New Years Eve happening. We would all like to know if you had a good time and all that jazz. Also vote in the new poll on the right!
I also promise to make your online time even more entertaining this year, as my mind is getting more focused in my latter years. But for now I would like to make a small rant to start the year off.
The show "Cribs" on MTV might just be the most pissing me off show in the history of television! I can't stand seeing these celebs, bragging about have 5 cars, movie rooms, hot tubs, marble floors, pools tables, fur coats, rooms full of shoes, swimming pools, 23 bathrooms, and a Sub-Z refrigerator that looks like it was just filled/decorated by that homo Bobby Trendy from the Anna Nicole Smith Show...gots my "Cristal" Bitch! Most of these jackoffs are idiots that look like they have never set foot in what they call their home, and don't appreciate a god damn thing they own. But I watch this shit every time it's on....Aaaaagggghhhhhhh!
Wondering how it's 2006 already-
I guess that it is Toul's nipple.
Hopefully 2006 is a better year for everyone. After all, if the years only got worse, no one would celebrate the up coming year, hence no New Year's Eve parties, and no nipples.
Michelle, at 3/1/06 7:43 AM
Well it sure as hell isn't my nipple!
It's not hairy enough to be Giulio's, Herb's or Pat's...I belive that it is my hubby's nip. I know, looking at him you 'd think he was a hairy beast, but he's not.
Anonymous, at 3/1/06 11:42 AM
I have to disagree with azrael.... my heart tells me it is definately one of the females. But visual clues are not precise enough for me to narrow it down to a single female. I will need to get more scientific. This calls for a taste test. Female subjects can contact at their convenience to schedule lab time.
Anonymous, at 3/1/06 3:53 PM
Stick, I like your thinking, but I hope that you never run into a girl with hair on her nipples like that and if you do I hope that you run the other way. :)
Michelle, at 3/1/06 4:37 PM
It's Big Dogs nip.
Boy did we have a good time new years eve. I agree with Sarah Stick a pig and crazy at that. Sarah do you really think its your mom's nip? And Sarah read your e-mails please!!!
Anonymous, at 5/1/06 10:48 AM
Stop speaking to me directly or Pick will swoop in like the Doubleout police and tell us to "Take it somehwere else."
He he
No, it's not my mom's nip, I was kidding.
I read my i missing something really important?
Anonymous, at 5/1/06 2:55 PM
liking or licking?
Anonymous, at 6/1/06 2:45 PM
liking ...... but either/or works
Anonymous, at 6/1/06 3:49 PM
Improbably. It seems impossible.
Casino Guide, at 20/6/11 5:29 PM
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