What the Heck?
Well, I thought we could try something a little different today, and it's called...

Now I am not sure how this is gonna work out but let's give it a shot. The point of this game is to quote a movie and use the next number in sequence. Get it? No? I will get things started in the comment section with this movie quote..."This 'ONE' time at Bandcamp, I stuck a flute in my Pu$$y!" (American Pie). Then the next comment would have the #2 (two) in it: such as "Are you 'TWO' having a killer time?" (Napoleon Dynamite). Write the quote and name the movie then try and keep it going. The person with the most posts wins. Now be careful, cause if someone else is entering a quote at the same time, and beats you, you will be disqualified. And there is one big rule...You cannot post 2 comments in a row! Get creative, think hard, and don't get so caught up in this that it takes you away from your work (cause I will not be held responsible for any unemployed friends). You have until Thursday, so let's have a big number of comments! Go!
Tell your peeps how much fun this is and send them a link-

Now I am not sure how this is gonna work out but let's give it a shot. The point of this game is to quote a movie and use the next number in sequence. Get it? No? I will get things started in the comment section with this movie quote..."This 'ONE' time at Bandcamp, I stuck a flute in my Pu$$y!" (American Pie). Then the next comment would have the #2 (two) in it: such as "Are you 'TWO' having a killer time?" (Napoleon Dynamite). Write the quote and name the movie then try and keep it going. The person with the most posts wins. Now be careful, cause if someone else is entering a quote at the same time, and beats you, you will be disqualified. And there is one big rule...You cannot post 2 comments in a row! Get creative, think hard, and don't get so caught up in this that it takes you away from your work (cause I will not be held responsible for any unemployed friends). You have until Thursday, so let's have a big number of comments! Go!
Tell your peeps how much fun this is and send them a link-
"This 'ONE' time at bandcamp, I stuck a flute in my Pu$$y." (American Pie)
Patrick, at 18/10/05 1:28 AM
"The 'TWO' Yutes?" (My Cousin Vinny)
Anonymous, at 18/10/05 9:06 AM
Why do I do this? THREE reasons: the pay is good, the scenery changes, and they let me use explosives. (Armageddon)
Michelle, at 18/10/05 9:25 AM
You know there are fours words I need to hear before I go to sleep. Four little words. "Good night sweet girl." That's all it takes. I'm easy, I know, but a guy who can muster up those four words is a guy I want to stay with.
(Beautiful Girls)
Anonymous, at 18/10/05 9:40 AM
If I'm not back in 'FIVE' minutes, just wait longer."
(Ace Ventura)
Patrick, at 18/10/05 9:57 AM
I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
(Dirty Harry)
Anonymous, at 18/10/05 10:06 AM
I think it's time for the SEVENTH inning stretch...But, it's only the forth inning.
(Leathal Weapon 2)
Michelle, at 18/10/05 10:22 AM
Crack cocaine iz destroyin' our community, so when a bruva' makes it through, he deserves our respect. So, let's big it up for me main man Darren, who has been off da crack now for EIGHT years!
(Ali G Indahouse)
Anonymous, at 18/10/05 10:25 AM
"It usually is. So far this semester he has been absent 'NINE' times."
(Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
"NINE times?"
"Nine times."
"I don't remember him being sick NINE times."
"That's probably because he wasn't sick. He was skipping school. Wake up and smell the coffee, Mrs. Bueller. It's a fool's paradise. He is just leading you down the primrose path."
I love that movie! Keep them coming...cause this is funnier than Beat me Caption!
Patrick, at 18/10/05 10:39 AM
I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. I'll find him for three, but I'll catch him, and kill him, for ten.
- Quint
Anonymous, at 18/10/05 10:42 AM
"Always double down on 'ELEVEN'."
Patrick, at 18/10/05 11:48 AM
Wait, listen to me, I'm 13.
jenna if you're gonna to start lying about your age, I'd go with 27.
(13 going on 30)
Michelle, at 18/10/05 1:32 PM
My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard really. At the age of twelve I received my first scribe. At the age of FOURTEEN a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- I highly suggest you try it.
- Dr. Evil
(Austin Powers)
Anonymous, at 18/10/05 1:44 PM
If you're not over here in FIFTEEN minutes, you can find a new best friend.
(Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
Sorry Pat, I too like this movie.
Michelle, at 18/10/05 2:02 PM
Well why don't you give me your f$cking SIXTEEN cents you got on you and we'll put your sandwich on layaway, there you go, keep it right up here for you, We'll put you on a program, everyday you bring your six cents and at the end of the week you'll have your sandwich
(Good Will Hunting)
Anonymous, at 18/10/05 2:19 PM
"All right, knock this shit off! I HAVE BEEN HAVING A VERY BAD DAY! I just got out of jail this morning! Already I've been shot at, I was on a bus that flipped over 'SEVENTEEN' times, bitch tried to stab me in the back room, and somebody blew up my Porsche! I am in a BAD goddamn mood! Now I usually don't step in on things like this, but this man Jack Cates is gonna help me straighten out the rest of my day! So I suggest you all back up, and let us go about our business!"
(Another 48 Hours)
Patrick, at 18/10/05 3:57 PM
"You think I like avoiding my wife and kids to hangout with NINETEEN year old girls everyday?"
(Old School)
Patrick, at 18/10/05 5:14 PM
Where are we?
Looks like we're in the teens somewhere.
Alright, when we get to TWENTY tell me, I'm gonna throw up.
Michelle, at 18/10/05 8:14 PM
Yeah, so just because you're TWENTY TWO and hung doesn't mean that you can...
(The Birdcage)
Anonymous, at 18/10/05 10:29 PM
TWENTY-FOUR hours for decontamination.
He could die in 24 hours. Open the hatch!!
Michelle, at 19/10/05 7:53 AM
I tell ya, the crime rate in New York'll kill you. There's so many problems, you never feel like you're accomplishing anything. Violence, rip-offs, muggings... Kids can't leave the house - you've gotta walk them to school. But in Amity one man can make a difference. Do you know, in TWENTY-FIVE years, there's never been a shooting or a murder in this town.
Anonymous, at 19/10/05 9:43 AM
Then I will be TWENTY SEVEN for awhile. I intend to grow old gracefully.
(Moulin Rouge)
Michelle, at 19/10/05 9:54 AM
Atlanta to Texarkana and back in twenty eight hours? That ain't never been done before
(Smokey and the Bandit)
Anonymous, at 19/10/05 9:56 AM
I just can't get enough of these lamb fries!
I think you might actually break the record of twenty eight!
Well here goes!
TWENTY NINE, Thirty! Wow! I've never seen someone eat so many testicles!
(Funny Farm)
Keep rolling everyone! This is great.
Patrick, at 19/10/05 12:28 PM
So here I am, day after day, year after year, THIRTY and way past my expiration date.
(My Big Fat Greek Wedding)
Michelle, at 19/10/05 12:41 PM
You want thirty-one flava's? Baskin and Robbins is where you wanna be. Be cool.
(Blue Streak)
Anonymous, at 19/10/05 1:23 PM
He looks THIRTY TWO. He looked it 5 years ago, he'll look it 20 years from now. I hate men.
(All About Eve)
Michelle, at 19/10/05 1:27 PM
I truly believe that happiness is possible... even when you're THIRTY-THREE and have a bottom the size of two bowling balls.
(Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason)
Anonymous, at 19/10/05 2:22 PM
Six hundred and THIRTY FOUR Blow jobs in five days....I'm really quite tired.
(Erin Brockovich)
Michelle, at 19/10/05 2:42 PM
Well, let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. Based on this morning's reading, it would be a Twinkie THIRTY-FIVE feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds.
Patrick, at 19/10/05 2:49 PM
did michelle take 36 and 37. I don't know
Anonymous, at 19/10/05 8:01 PM
The twins keep us on Centaurian time, standard thirty-seven hour day. Give it a few months. You'll get used to it... or you'll have a psychotic episode.
Anonymous, at 19/10/05 8:33 PM
My dear girl, there are some things that just aren't done, such as drinking Dom Perignon '53 above the temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit. That's just as bad as listening to the Beatles without earmuffs!
( James Bond - Goldfinger )
Anonymous, at 19/10/05 10:28 PM
Why you got to go and say fifty eggs for? Why not thirty-five or THIRTY-NINE?
(Cool Hand Luke)
Patrick, at 19/10/05 11:43 PM
"Twenty-five and I'll buy you the hat. A really big one Commodore."
(Pirates of the Caribbean)
Michelle, at 20/10/05 7:51 AM
Your eyes are full of hate, forty-one. That's good. Hate keeps a man alive.
(Ben Hur)
Anonymous, at 20/10/05 9:46 AM
You're looking for the Ultimate Question.
No, I tried that: Why? FOURTY-TWO. Doesn't work.
(The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy)
Michelle, at 20/10/05 10:43 AM
Forty-two? Oh, that's not bad for a pointy-eared elvish princeling. Hmph! I myself am sitting pretty on FORTY-THREE
(LOTR:The Twin Towers)
Anonymous, at 20/10/05 11:26 AM
Do you have family, a friend? Is there a Misses FOURTY-FOUR waiting for you some place?
(Universal Soldier)
Michelle, at 20/10/05 1:21 PM
Where is the suit store? We've been walking for forty-five minutes!
(Anchorman- the Legend of Ron Burgundy)
Anonymous, at 20/10/05 1:30 PM
You work ten hours, you make FORTY-SIX dollars.
Now, let me get this straight. If you wanted to work, say three billion hours, I could roughly pull in over twelve billion dollars? If I was eager enough and put the time in.
(Armed and Dangerous)
Michelle, at 20/10/05 1:52 PM
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