I feel Lost.
Now for this week's "Tuesday's, Beat my Caption" winner. We have our first 3 time winner! But first I want to waste some time, so I can keep you in a little suspense. So I am gonna just keep writing things that come to my head, but at any time I can pop the winners name right in there, so don't just skip to the end (cheater). I like cheetos...except they turn your fingers orange. I can't remember how old I was the last time I pee'd the bed, so it must have been quite a while back. Boobs are soft, and I like to squeeze them (not hard, and all freaky...but I like to squeeze them none the less). I hate wearing socks while I am in my house. I get a little jumpy, when putting in a new lightbulb, cause I fear that I might have left it on and the bulb is gonna turn on at any second while I am turning it. If I go to bed before 2 am, I feel as though I am missing out on something. I smoke somewhere between 12-15 Marlboro 27's a day. Those smokes just don't satisfy as much, if I don't use my bronze zippo to light them. Although I like squeezing boobs (as I stated earlier) I consider myself more of an Ass Man (even though I also say I am an "Inner Thigh Kinda Guy"). I eat chinese food at least once a week. Sarah was this weeks winner. General Tso must have been a bad Mofo, to have that yummy chicken named after him. Although I am balding, I got mad chest and belly hair (dead sexy). The Bobby Brown Baffroom caption made me laugh the hardest, but "I'd like to buy a bowel...I mean, vowel...Thank you Vanna." was a clear winner. Out of all my hobbies, I probably play darts the most. I am appearing in this weeks "Free Motor Mart" magazine, so pick up a copy and I will sign it for you. I am not a big fan of Blond hair. My shoe size is 10 1/2. Danny Glover is a good actor. I've been 20 feet away from a lightning strike, and didn't piss myself.
I will see many of you this weekend-
Leave me a birthday comment or just let me know what you are thinking about. That is fun to do.
Don't get me wrong. I and every one else in Exit 13 Fantasy League got a huge laugh out of your entry. It couldn't have been a better picture for this past week (for anyone that cares, guilio beat pick in fantasy football this past weekend, and there was alot of smack talk before their matchup). Pick, you are not alone...everyone is at my mercy! Muahhahahahahah!!!!
Patrick, at 23/9/05 1:39 AM
Happy birthday, Patrick. And I love Lost too. Don't know when they'll show it here in Malaysia, so I had to resort to *ahem* other ways to see Episode 1. I got goosebumps watching it.
Tigrrr, at 24/9/05 3:57 AM
Happy Birthday Pat!!
Michelle, at 26/9/05 8:03 AM
Happy Birthday Little Brother!
I got skills Pick...never forget it. Where do you all think my brother got his sense of humor?
Hope you enjoyed your turkey, Patsy.
Anonymous, at 26/9/05 9:38 AM
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