
Another special moment.

Scott my Attorney has won his second sticker! His quote of "Yeah, I humped both of those." was the funniest of the bunch. I new there were alot of funny jokes about Lawyers, but I did not think they were funny. People with mustaches just keep amazing me! Now go call him for all your legal issues. He is the tits of the legal world!

In other news, my mom Terry was the landslide winner of the Labor Day look like Sarah game. Her face was awesome! She more than doubled everyone else in votes, although Kelly still had a good showing. Congrats on your face making skills Mom!

Now, I told you there was more. Here is the rest of it.

Just after we all got done laughing at the pictures we took, all our attention turned to Mike (Gef). The fact that his "Sarah Face" looked no different than the look he always has, made us all laugh even harder. The camera got passed around so everybody could get another look at Mike's poker face. I then said "Now we all have to take a picture, and try to look like Mikey!", and everyone took a crack at "Old Stone Face". We even made Gef take another picture of himself, just to prove our point. As you will soon see, these pics might be funnier than the last batch! Don't forget to vote for your favorite in the "Old Mikey Stone Face Look-a-Like Contest". Click here for bigger picture!

I have such a good time with all you people, it's a wonder I don't hurt my face smiling all the time! And did you actually think, I could let Mike's picture go...without pointing it out?

Vote for Pedro-


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