Today, there's lots to talk about!
"Yeah, that's right...I'm Pimpin' a Cosby Sweater!"
So leave a comment and try to beat me. I personally don't think you have it in you. Prove me wrong...I dare you!
Now as you all know, I was on vacation all last week w/Toul and Gef. As you probably already have experienced, when a vacation ends, you usually get kinda depressed and feel as though you didn't do enough with the time you had off. So I am gonna do a day by day countdown.
Saturday August 27: 2pm Vacation starts! Rest of the day I went fishing with Mike, then headed down to Peanuts to play darts. Didn't do too bad (3rd I think) and had a fun time. Went home around 2 am and stayed up for a while longer.
Sunday August 28: 11am I woke up and headed down stairs for some eats and to read the paper. I hung with Maria and Ella as I prepared for my Fantasy Football Draft (thanks for voting to make "Grape Smugglers" my team name!). Left for the draft around 6:30. Got to Matt's and everyone else showed up and we got started on time. I had a good draft, and then we played a card tourny. If the cards would have fell truer, I could have taken it all home. Fun was had, and I was not wasting my Vacation yet!
Monday August 29: Noon wakeup to have lunch w/Maria. I picked up Toul around 3 and we headed to Monroeville to do a little shopping. I ended up buying Maria and my dog Ella the majority of stuff, but I did pick up a copy of "Shaun of the Dead" on DVD. We came home and watched the movie with Mia and I cooked some Pasta for us all. After dinner, Toul and I drove to our next Fantasy Draft in Harmar. We both picked a strong team, and went home for some well deserved sleep.
Tuesday August 30: Awoke at the crack of dawn (8am is the crack of dawn when I am on vacation), and a bit after Gef showed up, and we then picked up Toul for a much needed fishing trip. It was raining, but we had our body-condoms so we didn't care. We stopped for a huge breakfast (much energy would be needed for this day) at Davisons. That place is great, a belly full of food for $2.49! We picked up some food for lunch, then went straight to Glade Mills. We fished all day but we didn't catch much. We went home for a desperatly needed shower (we didn't shower together you freaks, we each went to our own house for that. We are close, but not that close). Mia came home and we hung out for the rest of the evening.
Wednesday August 31: Got up at Noon to see Maria while she took her lunch break. After she left, I called Toul and agreed to pick him up for some lunch. We ate plate after plate of Chinese food, then headed home cause we both had to drop a Chinese Deuce! We ended up at his place to play some Madden on PS2. We laughed and smoked cigarettes till just before 5pm. I went home to meet Mia and we met Gef later on to have some dinner. I went to bed early (2am, early for vacation).
Thursday September 1: Woke up at 9ish, cause we were heading fishing again. The weather was much better so our mood was good. We hit Deer Lakes until about 1pm, and not a fish was had (I had 2 good chances but lost them in the lily pads). We picked up some Wendys and shlepped out to Northmoreland Park (upper lake) and finally, we started to catch some. Gef and I each caught a few, and Toul caught his first ever Bass. I was so proud, little baby all grows up! Sarah and Abby stopped by for a bit and played with Ella. (I think they came over this day, I am getting a bit confused thinking about all these events...sorry)
Friday September 2: Wakey Wakey at Noon (I love lunch w/Mia). Then I pretty much did nothing till around 5 when she got home from work (woah, I actually relaxed a bit). We then went up to Sarah and Rob's house and ordered dinner. We hung out and Toul and Kelly showed up later and we watched the Ali G movie (Booyakasha!). We had a good time with them as always.
Saturday September 3: I woke and waited to eat, cause Mia left early to go with Sarah (wedding prep stuff) and they were stopping for breakfast with Rab and Abby. Mai came home with a stack of Pancakes and Bacon that was so high she had to put it on the roof of her car to get it home. I ate till I got sick, then felt like a nap. But Mia fell asleep so I stayed awake and watched Tennis. Sarah, Dog, and Abby came over and hung out for a couple hours. "Hey Boy...go Petch!" was heard a bunch, and we laughed at every one. Mia showered and the gang left. Me and her went down to Peanuts again, and met up with Toul and Kelly after they left a wedding early. Finished first in the Tourny, and Mia had fun dancing with Kelly. So that was another good day.
Sunday September 4: This day came outta nowhere! I slept in a bit, then got a call from Sarah. They were all heading out to Northmoreland for the Labor Carnival Thingy. We decided to meet up with them there. We got there and Abby was already riding the horses, as Sarah, Rob, Kelly and Toul watched her. We did some shopping at the stands, then got some food. Terry and Gef showed up and we played games and had a good time. Now time for some highlights! Abby beat me with a guitar when her mother said "Hit the old Guy". Terry and Abby had an adventure making it out alive in the "Fun House" (as the spinning wheel almost took them both out, but Rob came to their rescue). I won my Grandma a Pope John Paul plaque. I was victorious in the Horse Racing game (come on Seabisquit!). We could almost see a pig race. And we saw Nancy and Anna.
We then went to Sarah's for some BBQ. I cooked the grub and everybody filled up. There are pictures of this day here. We finally went inside and Sarah made us all laugh with some pictures she took of herself crying on Abby's first day of school. She came right in after Abby got on the bus and took some shots of herself. We all laughed at her expense and everybody kept talking about how much the picture looked like me from the side. I told them "She is my sister...we come from the same womb!". I then had the best idea I have had in days. I passed the camera to each person and had them take a picture of themselves trying hard to make their best "Sarah Crying" face. We could hardly stop laughing at each other, so we all agreed to look the other way when someone was taking their pic. We howled at the shots when we were finished, and below are all the impersonations. What a good time! There will be more on this later! So look at the pics, then vote on the poll to the right as to who you think did the best. Sarah is on top then from left to right is...Patrick, Toul, Terry, Kelly, Gef, and Rob. Vote now! Click here for bigger picture!
Monday September 5: We vistied Maria's parents then stopped off at Rosie's for some Cookout. We had fun with everyone then went home for laundry and Miami Ink Marathon.
I had lots of fun this past 9 days, and there were some classic moments. Thanks to everyone that made it a good time (you know who you are). So write captions and vote on the Sarah Game! I will see you all soon!
Ready to work (not)-
Hahahahaha! That shit is funny! If you think you can make a better Sarah crying face, just take a photo of yourself and email it to I will post them for everyone to see!
Those strappy sandals are very nice...for me to POOP ON!
Had to go a little Triumph the Insult Comic Dog on your ass this fine morning.
Laughing my ass off at those pictures. I am printing and framing them, I swear.
Anonymous, at 6/9/05 9:50 AM
One last thing that was really funny...when the waitress at Denny's thought Maria and Abby were both Rob's kids. I was in the ladies room, so I am not Mia's mom. That's all I needed to put me in a bad mood.
Does anyone else think I am horribly brave to let Pat put that picture up of me?
Anonymous, at 6/9/05 9:54 AM
Little man on campus.
Anonymous, at 6/9/05 10:01 AM
"Yeah, I humped both of those."
Anonymous, at 6/9/05 10:45 AM
"One nice thing about having little it makes your Cock'n Balls look huge!"
C'mon people, keep those captions coming. I realize that the Sarah game is very popular right now, but don't give up on the captions.
Cause I think I just took the lead with this caption!
Patrick, at 7/9/05 10:00 AM
I might not be a weiner-dog, but I got a weiner, DAWG!
Anonymous, at 7/9/05 11:36 AM
Oh how I wish I were bigger then those shoes!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 7/9/05 10:07 PM
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