Ladies and Gents...We have a Tie!

In the first ever "Tuesday's, Beat My Caption" contest, we had a tie between Kelly and Toul. Kelly made me laugh first with "Don't be Skeeeerd, I shoot Blanks" followed by the other winner, Toul's caption "Chew wanna go to war, I'll take you to war".
I didn't realize how tough this would be for me to pick a winner, cause there were so many great captions. If I had a honorable mention section, it would be filled with witty comments. Honestly, everyone made me laugh! Thanks everybody for making this first contest a huge success!
I only have one complaint, some people refused to put their names and signed "Anonymous". There were a few captions from those users that were in the running for the top prize, but how can I name a winner which has no name? Please, when leaving comments (unless you are embarassed to be here) click "Other" on the "Comments" page, then enter your name and comment, then hit "Publish". Yes, it's just that easy!
Again, thanks for all the great captions, and for everyone that took time from their busy days to take a chance at glory. After seeing how good this turned out, I am making plans to start offering prizes (such as shirts and other stuff) to future winners! Wow! Negotiations are in progress with my Main Man J.J., and there will be more info on that hopefully very soon.
Later, funny people-
Leave a comment, and let me know if you agree with me or not. If you don't like the ones I picked, tell us which one you would have picked (or give propers to any writer that you liked).
Also, the Party at my Maria and I's house is this Saturday starting at 4pm. All visitors are welcome (seriously, everybody). Please just email me and let me know if you are planning to attend or if you need directions. Please come, cause I can't drink all the beer I am planning to have. Fireworks can be seen from our backyard!
I guess I can share my winnings with Giulio. But as we all know, it is all about just me.
Pat--what up with THAT picture?
Anonymous, at 30/6/05 8:09 AM
Congrats Kelly! It IS all about you.
That picture? That picture may be funnier than all the captions put together. ;)
Patrick, at 30/6/05 9:25 AM
I agree with Pat, what a funny picture. I think Pat picked you guys just to put that picture on his site. Just kidding, they were some good sayings. I even had my son come by and post a quote. Have fun on saturday I will be missing you guys.
Anonymous, at 30/6/05 6:05 PM
Oh Pat I forgot to ask. So where are the blinking lights that should say KELLY and TOUL? I don't see them.
Anonymous, at 30/6/05 6:08 PM
Michele, you are just not looking hard enough.
Stop by after the festivities on Saturday, I told Therese and Sherbert to come over after dinner as well. See you and Buzz there, we hope. Remember, Fireworks don't start till late.
Patrick, at 30/6/05 7:05 PM
I think the pic of Kelly and Toul should be your caption picture for next week. I bet it would get a lot of laughs!!!
Anonymous, at 1/7/05 12:59 PM
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