Hey, I'm Rocco. What did you say?

For some reason, the women in my life get mad at me fairly often, cause they say I never listen to them. Wait, what was I just talking about?
I think that "not listening" really isn't my problem. I think my brain only remembers really important facts, now I am in no way saying that the stuff you say to me isn't important (cause that would be 1000% worse than not listening at all), I am just saying my bean doesn't make a note of parties, birthdays, graduations, going here or there on such and such a day (unless you mention there will be strippers there of course, cause I would rise bright and early for that shizzle).
If I did not have Maria in my life, I honestly wouldn't remember to use the bathroom before I made doodie in my pants. She really is a human Palm Pilot, remembering phone numbers, addresses, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events. The really funny thing is, I own a Palm Pilot but only use it to play games while making a doodie that Maria reminded me to go to the bathroom to make. And if it wasn't for Sarah, I might never know where to go on Holidays, cause she be planning my Holidays for me ("Be here at 9am, then there at 11am, off to here by 2pm, then end up there at 5pm and stay for 3 hours. Then you can go home"). And my Mom (as well as Maria and Sarah) always remember to get people gifts and cards for special occasions, then either let me sign them or pitch in a few bucks on the gift. If you are reading this, you probably got something from me that I had no idea what it was, so sorry about that but I hope you liked it anyway.
So all I am really trying to say is, sorry if my selective memory has made me forget something that has affected you in any way, cause if I would have remembered your Birthday Party or Picnic, I really would have come and brought a gift someone else would have thought to buy. I don't mean anybody harm with my Bastardly ways, and Mia is a Saint for dealing with me daily. So if you want me to be somewhere at a certain time, please tell Maria or Sarah or Terry and they will make sure I try to show up.
Patrick...Ooops, I mean Rocco.
Oh yeah, Sarah really isn't that bad about Holidays, not that I can remember anyway. :)
I am the holiday Nazi and I admit it. What Pat didn't descibe is the fact that I factor in travel time between the visits. I also call and wake him up every holiday, because he would sleep until 4 p.m. on Christmas if given the option. Usually he's hungover from the three beers he had the night before, and most likely, still drunk from them. Which is why when my wedding comes around, all members of the bridal party will receive an itinerary, factoring in travel time and detailing every event of the day. But, Pat seems to thrive on control freak women, right Mia?
Anonymous, at 24/6/05 9:18 AM
Pat suffers from what all men suffer from, SELECTIVE HEARING. Women decide that it is a good time to let us know important shit during a sporting event, while they are walking away from us, or while we are on the can, in which case you can't hear shit because the door closed muffles the sound.
Now, Sarah, an intinerary is good, but how are you going to give us an intinerary when we will probably end up losing it. So I have come up with 5 simple questions that need answered that will make it easier in which case our response will simply be: "O.K. We'll be there"
Question 1: Where and What time is the wedding ceremony?
Question 2: Where and when are the pictures being taken?
Question 3: Where and What time is the reception?
Questions 4 & 5 are the most important ones.
Question 4: What time do we eat?
Question 5: What time does the bar open?
If these questions are answered, I assure you that you will have a wonderful evening.
Anonymous, at 26/6/05 10:59 AM
Remind me to smack Giulio next time I see him.
Anonymous, at 27/6/05 9:08 AM
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