Tuesday game on Friday?
Yeah...whatever! I know that I haven't been around much, as I have been doing a lot of work trying to get things going with these shirts. Most of you at the Pittsburgh Bullshooter, will get a taste of many great things to come.
So here with go with the game. I have blurred a screenshot from one of my favorite movies. You have to guess what movie it was from, and you can even go as far as naming one of the 2 actors/actresses. Just leave a comment with your guess and your name. Doesn't seem that hard. Let's see how you do!

This game is sponsored by Scott Avolio, ESQ. Just give him a call for any legal need! Tell him Patrick sent you! You really don't have to tell him I sent you, but you really should call him with any issues you may have (but telling him I sent you might be to your advantage, as I am held in high regard in the legal world!).
So here with go with the game. I have blurred a screenshot from one of my favorite movies. You have to guess what movie it was from, and you can even go as far as naming one of the 2 actors/actresses. Just leave a comment with your guess and your name. Doesn't seem that hard. Let's see how you do!

This game is sponsored by Scott Avolio, ESQ. Just give him a call for any legal need! Tell him Patrick sent you! You really don't have to tell him I sent you, but you really should call him with any issues you may have (but telling him I sent you might be to your advantage, as I am held in high regard in the legal world!).
top gun , tom cruise..
Anonymous, at 10/2/06 6:58 AM
I think it's Cindy Crawford and Billy Baldwin in that horrific movie they made....
Anonymous, at 10/2/06 12:57 PM
it definately is not cindy crawford..... I specifically remember her in a white wife beater....... I think I wore out a vcr with that movie..... rewind... play... pause.... slow mo.
Anonymous, at 10/2/06 1:34 PM
I KNOW IT! Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman in the Irish immigrant boxing movie....Far and Away!
Anonymous, at 10/2/06 2:26 PM
Patrick, at 10/2/06 2:28 PM
Point Break...Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swazy???
Michelle, at 13/2/06 2:03 PM
Not a bad try Michelle, but you are wrong on all counts.
I will reveal the picture tomorrow.
Patrick, at 13/2/06 2:59 PM
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