
What's the word?

As I sit here listening to a few songs on the trusty old ipod, I felt like getting something off my chest. Hair. That's right, I am thing about getting a full body wax. Now that might seem like a crazy thing to do for a hairy bastard like me, but I am trying to remember the days before I had body hair. They seem like easier times. So in my sometimes confusing mind, I started believing that no body hair = less problems. Now I would never try shaving my chest/belly area, cause I have a friend (who will remain nameless) that shaved his belly once, and he broke out in a rash when the stubble started growing back and we laughed every time he showed it to us.

But as I type this, I am starting to think that I should drop a few pounds first. Cause I am not sure which site would be scarier, "chubby and hairy" or "chubby and silky smooth"?

Other than my hair news, there is not much new on my end. Well nothing that I can publish on this site. So what's happening with you all? I just want to remind you all that I have a myspace site and I need more friends, so if you are on there, please go to the right side of this page and click on my ugly mug and request a myspace friendship. We also have a Frappr map that is also free to join, so click on it and add yourself.

Chat with you soon-

PS. This is what part of the alphabet would look like if you removed "Q" and "R".


  • Chubby and silky smooth will only look good if you paint it for the Super Bowl.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 27/1/06 9:30 AM  

  • try the wax thing on your beard and let me know how it goes. shaving is a hassle.

    By Blogger Zeeple, at 27/1/06 5:14 PM  

  • A hairy chest and belly is one thing but when there is a hairy back involved, well that is when waxing is a must.
    There is a guy I used to see sometimes on my way home from work riding his bike. The first time I saw him, I thought he had a really ugly shirt on, only to discover as he got closer that is was hair....masses and masses of hair all over his upper body. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Needless to say I do not go home that way anymore.

    By Blogger Michelle, at 30/1/06 10:56 AM  

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