
It never really feels like summer until June 1st comes around (unless you've seen a middle-aged man sporting a speedo with his pubes tufting all out in your face). I haven't seen the pubacious guy yet so June 1st has got me ready for summerly good times.
Here are some random things I like about summer (in no specific order)...Barbeques, Baseball, Girls wearing really small shorts, Fishing, Sporting a farmers tan, Air Conditioning, and Taking Ella for walks.
Here are the things I don't like about summer (also in no specific order)...Kids off of school, Constant Sweaty balls (where's my baby powder?), Sunburn on my bald head, Bees in my pop can, Big girls wearing really small shorts, and the lack of hard nipples on women!
Got something you like or hate about summer...leave a comment like everyone else that doesn't suck!
Respek Yo!-
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