
First off, let me say congrats to Sarah on the game. You nailed it right off the bat! Good job.
Now, I know I was really tired on Sunday night, but little did I know that I was on the verge of death! I woke up monday coughing and running a fever of 102. I coulnd't make our dart match, and I could hardly drag myself downstairs. There was a 24 hour stretch that I actually slept for 20 of those hours. I still feel like crap, but Maria is trying her best to take good care of me. I hope to be better soon, as I need to get some shirts made up. Thanks again for everyones help this past weekend! Without you all wearing our shirts, nobody would know who the hell we are.
Thanks (cough)-
Seemed to be somehting going around at the tournament, Al woke up Monday morning with the same thing and has not got out of bed since. I know a few others that are sick that were there too.
Hope you are feeling better.
Congrats Sarah!!!
Michelle, at 22/2/06 7:47 AM
Alot of people got sick this weekend with the FLU. I heard Black Hitman, had chest pains so bad he went to ER. I know myself, Westell, Jodi, Mikey,Chooch, and theres more. All seem to come down with a flu of some sort. I have the cough as well NO FUN. I know they took one of the CHarters to the Hospital on Friday due to chest pains and FLU like symptoms. That was OZ, if you new him.
Anonymous, at 22/2/06 10:16 PM
Yeah, Brad said that Oz passed out at work with a 105 tempature and they had to pack him in ice to bring it down and then EJ got sick the next day, they are brothers in case you did not know.
At league last night, I found out that there are a lot more people that got sick.
Hope everyone starts feeling better!!
Michelle, at 23/2/06 7:47 AM
yep.... I got it too..... went to the hospital today....waiting for the results of my chest xrays. I was looking forward to going to the Youngstown charity steel tip tournament this weekend.... but thats out of the question now.
Hope everyone else starts feeling better.
Anonymous, at 24/2/06 9:28 PM
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