Frankie says Relax.

I might do something else before Tuesday's game, so leave a comment if there is anything you would like to get my take on. That gives me an idea! I will start a new "Help!" question and answer session! If you have a question or would just like to know how I feel about something, leave a comment under the "Frankie says Relax" posts and I will try and help you work through whatever it is you need (and if you want your question to remain anonymous, just email it to me
Example: "Why does my husband always stare at other women? (signed) Jessica-"
Then I would respond: "That's just what guy's do...they like to look at things they know they can't have. Do you think the car he drives get's jealous when a Ferrari passes by and he stares at it? No! And neither should you...but if he reaches out and grabs her Boobies or her Butt, then I say Whoop His Ass!"
See...I have so much good advice for both the males and females that come here, and I have been waiting for a chance to help you all out. Now this post has turned from me telling you that I am OK, to me becoming the male version of Dear Abby! I love how my brain works!
Ask, then listen-
Why does my man look bored when I am giving him oral pleasure?
Anonymous, at 13/8/05 1:09 PM
You probably aren't cupping his balls. Don't let his boys just swing around like that, that just ain't right!
Patrick, at 13/8/05 1:11 PM
Maybe you have not told your Brother that the photos bother you. If you haven't said anything to him, how is he to know that it is a problem? Tell him how you feel...and see if he gives a shit.
I have not seen any photos of your ass on this site...although we could change that if you like.
Patrick, at 15/8/05 12:00 AM
Never mind.
Anonymous, at 15/8/05 9:09 AM
Nevermind? Come on, and ask away! Even though I am not sure who you are, doesn't mean I can't help you.
Patrick, at 15/8/05 9:31 AM
That was me. Emily Litella is the lady Gilda Radner did on SNL on the news who said "Nevermind." in a high pitched voice. I said it because you threatened to show my fanny.
Anonymous, at 15/8/05 10:36 AM
How do you know if a guy really likes you or if he only wants sex?
Anonymous, at 15/8/05 10:38 AM
That's an easy one Gsi. All guys would "Really Like" to have "Sex". That is our main problem, cause we are always striving for that one all day & all night!
But there is one exception to that rule. Guys that like you for who you are (before sex), never have the guts to say anything to you, and you will probably never know they were interested. They just sit back and pray for you to like them back (but that never happens cause women always go for the guys that are out for sex cause they try harder)'s a vicious cycle.
That's really sad, but it's the truth.
Thanks for the good question Gina!
Patrick, at 15/8/05 1:59 PM
Also, all guys really wanna do is give a good Tittie Lick!
Patrick, at 15/8/05 3:35 PM
I sometimes stay at my friends house on the weekends, but her brother farts on the couch that I sleep on for hours before I go to sleep. What can I do?
Anonymous, at 16/8/05 7:52 AM
The only thing I can think of that neutralizes fart smell, is smoking alot of weed. Therefore, toke up...and go night-night!
A few beers won't hurt either (I said a few...not 20), that way even if it smells (which mine don't) you will be too tipsy to care.
Patrick, at 16/8/05 10:53 AM
Why do gas prices continue to skyrocket?
No one can answer this question.
Help me, ObiWan Kinobi, you're my only hope.
Anonymous, at 18/8/05 6:30 PM
Gas prices are on the rise because of 1 simple reason. People will still buy it! If you had a product that nearly every human in the world needed for daily life, wouldn't you get the most bang for you buck. They thought about raising the price on Tooth Paste (cause most people use that daily), but figured people would stop brushing and we would have an epedemic of Halitosis the likes of which have never been smelled!
But gas seemed like a better cash cow...speaking of cows, milk is still more expensive than some 87 Octane. I think I might buy a farm, does anyone know how to yank those udders (cause I am only good with Titties).
Patrick, at 18/8/05 7:34 PM
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