Ribs, Parks, Ribs, and Bass Fishing!
It seems there may be a leak in my "Circle of Trust", as I suspect there was a little bit o'cheating going on in this past Friday's Game. I would have taken many different answers like "a wig and a bow", "a bow and a wig", "Hair!"...whatever! But when my sister asked me what the picture was this weekend (after she made her guesses), I though it was safe to tell her. Boy, you can call me Capt. Wrongo! Cause after she spent the afternoon with Michele H @ Conneaut Lake Park (more on that in a bit), Michele seemed to figure out the most detailed answer ever as soon as she got home from the Lake...Hmmm. But like I said in the comment section, "I can smell a Cheat, like a Fart in a Car!". Nice try ladies! Now nobody can know till I say so...HaHaHa!!! So anyways, here is the picture.
So other than setting my Tivo to tape every second of the 35th Bassmaster Classic being held right here in Pittsburgh, I was pretty busy Yo! Friday evening started off with a bang as Maria and I met Sarah, Kelly, Abby and Rob @ the Hyde Park Festival. Now, I have never been to this Gala but my boy "Officer Mark" used to work down there and said it seemed pretty wild. So we met the crew and I started to sing the Banjo tune from "Deliverance", cause there seemed to be some down-home folk down there. Not everybody had a Southern Twang, but most of them did (and this place is only 15 minutes from my house). We checked out the 7 tents set up and I found what I was looking for...The BBQ Rib Tent! I got a 1/4 rack w/sauce and bread and grabbed some Dew to drink. I grabbed a seat at a picnic table and proceeded to throw them down (they weren't bad). A train went by and nobody semed to miss a beat (the train was like 15 feet from everybody, and they didn't even try to talk louder). Now, we saw some crazy people down there, but I won't get into detail as my Good buddy Schreck lives in that town, and may know a few of them (I am not one to offend). So after 1 hour and 13 minutes, we decided to meet up at Sarah's and talk about the spectacle (Touly joined up with us there).
Saturday started for me at work, then home, then on the road up North to Conneaut Lake Park. We met Sarah, Rob, Abby, Kelly, Toul, Gef, Michele H, Buzz, Diane and Andrew. They had been there for a few hours and were chillin at the Beach, so I got sand in my shoes as we walked toward them.
*Now let me set this up for you. Conneaut was like going back in time. Everything is old school. Entry to the Park is Free as well as the Parking. The rides were vintage and the games mostly consisted of throwing darts at things (which was to our advantage). The food stands were standard carnival issue and there was a swarm of Bees at every Garbage Can. I am not Bad-Mouthing this place by any means, it's just different.
So we hung at the Beach for a bit (Dog didn't move from the water) and had a few laughs with everybody. Then after removing 5 pounds of sand from my shoes, me and Mia went for a walk to check things out. We started off at one of the dart games and I won a phat furry Pimpin Hat. Then we checked out the rest of the park and that took up about 10 more minutes. On our way back to see the gang, my nose got a whiff of that sweet sweet smell, you know that smell, it was the 1st Annual Rib Cookoff! Holy Shit, did my day just get better! Mia and I grabbed Touly and paid our 3 bucks to enter, then had to choose which award winning stand to try. We picked "Armadillos BBQ" and split a 1/2 Rack of their finest Swine! After we got a little sloppy, we agreed we could go for another 1/2 but the line was way too long.
We then made a stop at the Dart Game and Touly won a matching hat. We Pimped around the Park w/Mia, then found the crew eatting pizza and other Park Grubbables. We left soon after and made a Pit-stop at the Grove City Outlets and bought a couple things. The rest of the night was spent chilling at home and watching taped Bass coverage.
I didn't expect to get my "Rib-On" so hard this weekend, but I wasn't complaining. And just in case you were wandering, No I didn't eat Ribs on Sunday, but I did watch 7 hours of Bass Fishing (which is just as pleasing). Below is a mix of photos from Saturday, and the full shots can be seen here.
Hope your weekend was good-

Saturday started for me at work, then home, then on the road up North to Conneaut Lake Park. We met Sarah, Rob, Abby, Kelly, Toul, Gef, Michele H, Buzz, Diane and Andrew. They had been there for a few hours and were chillin at the Beach, so I got sand in my shoes as we walked toward them.
*Now let me set this up for you. Conneaut was like going back in time. Everything is old school. Entry to the Park is Free as well as the Parking. The rides were vintage and the games mostly consisted of throwing darts at things (which was to our advantage). The food stands were standard carnival issue and there was a swarm of Bees at every Garbage Can. I am not Bad-Mouthing this place by any means, it's just different.
So we hung at the Beach for a bit (Dog didn't move from the water) and had a few laughs with everybody. Then after removing 5 pounds of sand from my shoes, me and Mia went for a walk to check things out. We started off at one of the dart games and I won a phat furry Pimpin Hat. Then we checked out the rest of the park and that took up about 10 more minutes. On our way back to see the gang, my nose got a whiff of that sweet sweet smell, you know that smell, it was the 1st Annual Rib Cookoff! Holy Shit, did my day just get better! Mia and I grabbed Touly and paid our 3 bucks to enter, then had to choose which award winning stand to try. We picked "Armadillos BBQ" and split a 1/2 Rack of their finest Swine! After we got a little sloppy, we agreed we could go for another 1/2 but the line was way too long.
We then made a stop at the Dart Game and Touly won a matching hat. We Pimped around the Park w/Mia, then found the crew eatting pizza and other Park Grubbables. We left soon after and made a Pit-stop at the Grove City Outlets and bought a couple things. The rest of the night was spent chilling at home and watching taped Bass coverage.
I didn't expect to get my "Rib-On" so hard this weekend, but I wasn't complaining. And just in case you were wandering, No I didn't eat Ribs on Sunday, but I did watch 7 hours of Bass Fishing (which is just as pleasing). Below is a mix of photos from Saturday, and the full shots can be seen here.
Hope your weekend was good-
An apology is owed to me. I did not tell Michele, but my (undeserved) reputation for gab has got me blamed for this crap. Check Kelly, she sat on the beach with Shell most of the day.
And why would I help Highbrows win? Michele...you better stick up for me, I am innocent!
Anonymous, at 31/7/05 9:59 PM
Say it ain't so Kelly! All I know is there is a Rat, and I'm gonna catch it!
I am watching all of you.
Patrick, at 31/7/05 11:04 PM
Say the truth Kelly...SAY IT!
"I am not a rat" (in my best Nixon voice)
I'm denying til I'm dying.
Anonymous, at 31/7/05 11:41 PM
Whoah you can a leave me out of this because I dont even recall Pat telling Sarah the answer.
I am NOT the rat!
Anonymous, at 1/8/05 8:05 AM
All I know is...it wasn't me...
Waiting for Michele to confirm, but the only other suspects are Giulio, Rob and Riz as far as I can tell. Wouldn't be Riz so ...spill it Michele.
Anonymous, at 1/8/05 9:02 AM
Hey I got you all. No one told me anything. Pat I just went through all your pictures and found it myself. I'm smarter then you give me credit for. So you owe Sarah a great big SORRY. Had a blast on saturday. See ya all later.
Anonymous, at 2/8/05 1:27 PM
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