Friday's game is on like Donkey Kong...Beatch!
It's back by popular demand! That's right kids, it's "Friday's, What the Hell is That?" game. Well let's forget the BS and get right to it!
I am sure you all remember how to play, but for those of you that haven't popped your cherry, this is for you.
The picture you are looking at is a close-up of a bigger picture, and your job is to leave a comment with your guess as to what the hell it is. The bell is about to ring...Ding, Ding, Ding! Let's get it on!
What could it be?-

The picture you are looking at is a close-up of a bigger picture, and your job is to leave a comment with your guess as to what the hell it is. The bell is about to ring...Ding, Ding, Ding! Let's get it on!
What could it be?-
I think it is the shadow of a pop bottle on the sidewalk.
Anonymous, at 22/7/05 9:12 AM
Sarah stole half of mine, but I'll say shadow of a pop bottle on a wall.
Anonymous, at 22/7/05 12:07 PM
Pop bottle!
anika, at 25/7/05 7:47 PM
*cough* after closer inspection it seems that I've passed the deadline and the answer is right in the post above this one. Smooth move, Anika, smooth move.
anika, at 25/7/05 9:20 PM
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