My personal weekend.

As you have already read on here, the sleep I got Friday night was good stuff, but after that you are not sure what I have done (and I know you care).
I got home from work around 2pm on Saturday, and my girls were waiting for me. I set my bag down, gave them both a kiss and without even taking off my shirt and tie, I went straight to the kitchen to fix myself a bowl of Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. I sat down at the the table and stared at Maria as she continued her online shopping to find Sarah the Garter that dreams are made of (see, my sister Sarah is getting married this October to Rob, aka Big Dog, and Mia has been helping out a good bit with the planning and such). So as I am halfway through with my mid-day bowl of happiness, Maria looks at me and says "Come over Here", and I say "No Fuckin Way, I'm eating cereal, leave me alone Devil Woman!", then she says "Come over here, Now!". Knowing I could not win this battle, I proceeded to pick up my bowl and shuffle over to her on the couch. As I stood there wandering what she wanted me for, I saw her reach for what looked like a tape measure.
*what I was thinking at that exact moment, all at the same time*
Is she making me a new pair of pants? Does she want to find out how big my cranium really is? Is she checking my waist size to see if I've gained some weight? Does she want official measurements of my piece, so she can laugh at me with here friends? Or does she want to measure the living room for the new Lazy-Boy she wants to buy me?
Well, none of these were true. She wanted me for something else.
Thanks for stopping by-
Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you why she wanted me...sorry about that.
She told me to stick out my leg so she could measure my thigh, and I said "what the hell for?", and she said "do you think your sisters leg is the same size as yours?", then I said "Hell no! I got Athletic Thighs, they big Sum-Bitches!", then she continues to measure my right thigh as I stand there in disbelief with milk running down my chin and back into my cereal bowl! Can you believe that?! I sure as hell couldn't.
So I help Maria make her online purchase and the good news is, if it doesn't fit Sarah, I will rock that garter to the next picnic I attend! Just another day in the Life o' Patrick (this may get a whole chapter in my next novel). The rest of the weekend was spent helping my Mother and Grandmother setting up their new TV, playing video games with Gef, spending some time with Sarah-Abby-and Dog, playing darts at Peanuts and hanging with Touly and Kelly (and the rest of the crew: Dog-Therese-Michele-Herb-Stick-Hitman-TurdBoy and some others), showering, going to Nick's Grad Party (Congrats Bro), driving through that new big ass mall, watching TV, doing laundry, and writing this long friggin entry. So me and Mia are now pretty tired, so bring on the work week!
In other news:
The new stickers (Got Shocker?) are now available for the tiny donation of $3.oo! Use can use the paypal link on the right side of this site. Buy one for everyone you know, cause they will like you more if you do.
You may find this hard to believe, but Rob and I do not sit and discuss your thighs, like you and Riz apparantly discuss mine.
I am anxious to partiscipate in the great "thigh off" to see which of us is more trim.
If it's not me, I'm jumping the bridge.
Thanks for your assistance with the wedding plans....wanna wear my gown for the alterations?
Anonymous, at 18/7/05 1:00 PM
You better find that bridge you speak of, cause I got thighs Michelangelo would have been proud to sculpt.
I will give you one edge in the "Thigh Off", yours are probably a little bit more hairy than mine!
And by the way, nothing is off limits when it comes to me and Riz talking about people, you hear that everyone...Nothing!
Patrick, at 18/7/05 1:57 PM
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