Drumroll please.....It's Ella!

For those of you that have not had the pleasure of meeting the other girl in my life, I dedicate this entry to you.
We got Ella from a savior shelter near the Pa. and Wva. border in December of 2003. Ever since she has brought much laughter and many smiles to the people that know her. I am not sure what has inspired me to write this, maybe it's the fact that she is always happy to see me when I walk through the door. Sometimes she is so excited that she plants her ass on the floor and procedes to drag her butt the whole way across the room. Even if I've had the shittiest of days, the sight of her "dragging booty" always brings a smile to my face.
So stop by and get to know the 75lb little chicken, and she asks if you will bring her a steak or maybe a bone.
On another note, when you want to make a comment on any articles here, just click the "other" option and put your name in so we see who left it. Oh, yeah... please tell all your friends about this site.
Hello to my niece Ella...who learned the ass drag move from her "dad".
Anonymous, at 16/5/05 12:28 PM
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